Ivy Lawn Memorial Park is 115 years old. We keep records for every burial we have recorded in our cemetery.
Commonly, customers, visitors, family, and guests request specific or general information related to the cemetery records. This requires research, and the time necessary to conduct the research can be slight or very detailed. We are unable to know how much effort and time we will need to fulfill a request, but every request made to us, either in person, telephone, email, or mail, should expect a time allowance to do the research needed to provide the information requested.
If you need information or documentation from our records, please be prepared to either schedule an appointment or submit a written request SIGNED BY THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY so we can confirm the requestor is entitled to the information.
A fee of $100.00 is charged for any meeting including the research time. In addition, copies are $15.00 each. At the time of meeting or sending a request you must include payment.
Ivy Lawn Memorial Park & Funeral Home
Privacy Policy Effective July 1, 2024
We collect personal information on individuals only as allowed by law. We limit the collection of personal information to what is relevant and necessary to accomplish a lawful purpose for our cemetery, funeral home and crematory. For example, we need to know personal information (for purchaser, authorizing agent or decedent) such as someone’s address, telephone number and social security number, among other things, to properly process and identify the person(s) who have passed or have authority to make decisions and person(s) that have ownership of burial property and rights. Personal information, as defined in the Information Practices Act, is information that identifies or describes an individual including, name, social security number, home address, home telephone number, email address, and next of kin information and identification.
We do not collect home, business or e-mail addresses, or account information from people who simply browse our Internet Web site. We do not use cookies to collect or store personal information. We collect personal information about you through our Web site only if you provide it to us voluntarily through e-mail, forms, or requests.
We tell people who provide personal information to us the purpose for which the information is collected. We tell persons who are asked to provide personal information about the general uses that we will make of that information. We do this at the time of purchase. With each request for personal information, we provide information only with written authority when the request is made, and we provide information, when we are obligated, to other government agencies and to the public.
We tell people who provide personal information about their opportunity to review that information. Ivy Lawn memorial Park & Funeral Home allows individuals who provide personal information to review the information and contest its accuracy or completeness.
We use and release personal information only for the specified purposes, or purposes consistent with our purposes, unless we get the written consent of the subject of the information, or unless required by law or regulation. We maintain the privacy of individuals. In the event of a conflict between this Policy and the Public Records Act, the Information Practices Act or other law governing the disclosure of records, the applicable law will control.
We use information security safeguards. We take reasonable precautions to protect the personal information on individuals collected or maintained by Ivy Lawn Memorial Park & Funeral Home against loss, unauthorized access, and illegal use or disclosure. Personal information is stored in a secure location. Our staff is trained in procedures for the release of information, and access to personal information is limited to those staff whose work requires it. Confidential information is confidential unless written authorization to release or disclose information is on record. Management conducts periodic audits to ensure that proper information management policies and procedures are being followed.